NYS Incident-Based Reporting (IBR)
Incident-based reporting (IBR) is a streamlined way of submitting a police department’s required crime reports. IBR replaces multiple reports with a single monthly computerized submission. Instead of summarizing key events, Incident Based Reporting records specific incident details, including information about the offender, victim, and property. Data are collected on all types of crimes, not just the most serious offenses. If multiple crimes occur during a single incident, they are all reported. DCJS then uses the computer-generated IBR files to classify the crimes into UCR categories.
DCJS Crime Reporting Unit Staff are available to answer questions or assist with transition to Incident Based Reporting. For more information, or to arrange for an assessment, please contact 518-457-5837 or 1-800-262-DCJS.
Advantages of Using IBR
- IBR reduces police department crime report paperwork and saves staff time. Uniform Crime Reporting requires the department to submit seven different monthly forms. These forms can be complex and time consuming to complete. IBR files are produced by the department’s records management system (RMS) software and submission of most data can be done by email.
- IBR improves the accuracy of reported information. When agencies transition to IBR, they generally report improved accuracy in their reported crime data. Agencies report that there are significantly fewer errors with regard to classification of crimes. In addition, crimes that are reported and then subsequently determined to be unfounded are automatically removed from the IBR submission files. The current UCR reporting protocols have no mechanism to remove unfounded cases from the month in which they were originally reported.
- IBR expands the information on the local crime picture which is readily available to local departments. All participating IBR agencies receive a crime analysis report on their reported crime from DCJS. This report provides an excellent starting point for understanding the local crime picture, and includes details on victims, suspects, crime locations, drugs seized and weapons used. Ad hoc reports are also generated by DCJS upon request. In addition, the structure of IBR files makes local crime analysis, including mapping, easier to do.
Requirements for NYSIBR Participation
To participate in IBR, police agencies must maintain a minimum of 73 data elements on their records management systems (RMS). An agency that uses RMS software from a private vendor should be aware that most vendors have built IBR capabilities that conform to national standards into their products. These systems would need to be adapted to include New York law and the specific data elements. If an agency uses the DCJS-supported Spectrum Justice System (SJS) for records management, transitioning to IBR is quite easy. SJS includes the required data elements and will extract the required NYSIBR data each month.
In addition to the submission of monthly IBR data files, IBR agencies must also submit two supplemental crime reports: the Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) and Hate Crime Incident Report, if these offenses occur in a given month. Also, once per year agencies are required to submit an Agency Personnel Report.